Perhaps no director better displayed that spirit than the German-born Robert Siodmak, who had already made a score of films before his 1940 arrival in Hollywood.
At Venture House, the executive director, David Lehman, recently displayed the partly converted center to visitors from the Nassau County Mental Health Department.
The director actually displays a fine comic touch in a series of ridiculous scenes: at a kiddie soccer match, in a bed store, at the opera.
Their performances are convincing, and the director displays a sharp eye for their colorful costumes and flamboyant ways.
He praised Peckinpah for "seeking a fresh approach to the Western" and acknowledged that the director "displays a fine eye for panoramic vistas."
But it has also been claimed that, from his very first film, the director displayed a technique quite distinct from the seamless style of classic Hollywood.
On this level the director displays talent by providing notes of absurdity and unforgettable visuals.
The director, Fraser C. Heston, displays a workable visual style with no sense of timing or modulation.
"Lost" may not be a great piece of filmmaking, but it is a great story; its directors display dramatic intelligence.
The large tanks for fish contained none and became a standing joke; but the directors did display a dead whale in 1877.