Hours after the team arrived in Moscow, according to Administration officials, a cable directly violating the order was sent from the embassy.
That its users were directly violating the plaintiffs' copyrights.
Although the Cambodian law does not directly violate these standards, it is filled with loopholes that would leave room for government manipulation.
The Government also has plans to create a half-million-strong army reserve force - a step toward militarization that directly violates the intent of the treaty.
Since you have never directly violated any of the Laws, including the First, you?
Sometimes, sound changes occur that directly violate a surface filter, and this may cause it to cease operating.
When one of these (laws, procedures, or acts) directly violates the constitution it is unconstitutional.
They therefore directly violated the neutrality laws, and American (that is, Union) officials immediately informed the governments of their existence.
An offense that is malum prohibitum may not appear on the face to directly violate moral standards.
He was then detained by the authorities for "directly violating the stability and strength of the people's government".