And one entertainment reviewer directly refuted McCaul's attack:
Michael Clemente of Fox News called the comments "curious", while not directly refuting them.
If so, the Zones directly refute Benjamin's central argument, that modern mass production can finally "emancipate the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual".
In the work, Valla states that he is attempting to directly refute the works of the 6th century philosopher Boethius.
These provisions directly refute the F.D.P.'s erroneous assertion that petitioner is "attempt[ing] to federalize a state law dispute."
Although this episode doesn't directly refute future established facts, it suggests that Kromaggs have never seen humans before learning the sliding technology and that their invasions have successfully continued for at least a generation.
In the following years, Vidocq published several small books in which he depicted his life to refute directly the rumours that were being circulated about him.
Neighbors issued the complaint against Williams, saying there was no evidence directly refuting Nelson's claim and Williams's lack of defensive wounds could "suggest the possibility of aggression."
Auditor Sonntag himself directly refuted the claim that I-985 implements the recommendations of the state congestion audit.
There is little to be gained by agreeing with such optimistic thoughts or directly refuting them.