The measures, which are expected to go into effect in April, do not directly improve the poor disclosure by banks.
Maybe art really can directly improve life and community.
The initiative aims to directly improve the nutrition and life skills of over 8,000 adolescent girls in the region.
Nevertheless, tobacco corporations have the power to change this system and directly improve the lives of the workers who harvest their product.
So any complementary treatments that can quickly and directly improve quality of life are very welcome.
While physical fitness is generally beneficial, feeling like a million bucks does not directly improve the mental process.
Companies discovered that setting up plants here could directly improve their profits.
There are several ways to directly improve a player's character in the game.
"Media development" refers to efforts to directly improve the media in a society through the means mentioned above.
Let us not forget that when these policies are effective, they also benefit European citizens by directly improving their quality of life.