"This is directly endangering kids," said Mr. Turkewitz, who lives on one of these side roads.
Similarly, propeller failure is less likely to directly endanger the crew.
Until such time as I receive an official response, this empowers me to certain latitude when given orders that may directly endanger Concordiat personnel or assets.
Unless publication can be shown to directly endanger the lives of citizens or national security, courts have been reluctant to grant such requests.
Note that this would not include killing a suspect who is directly endangering another's life, which police can always legally do, but rather, executing a suspect under one's control as a punishment.
He contended that releasing the man, who lives on Hoyt Street in Brooklyn, "likely would directly endanger U.S. soldiers in Iraq."
Climate change is a long-term hazard which can increase or decrease the risk of other weather hazards, and also directly endangers property due to sea level rise and biological organisms due to habitat destruction.
Long-Term Danger Is Seen "A railroad engineer who uses drugs directly endangers the lives of his passengers," Mr. Meese said.
Mr President, Commissioner, you certainly know that the lack of access to new technologies and digital illiteracy are increasingly developing into new forms of social exclusion which directly endanger women.