A Ministry of Education directive bans mixing foreign language or other training with religious teaching or instruction.
The directive bans the usage of numbers that cost more than calling a geographic number for customer service and complaints lines and other such purposes.
All such deals have hit a roadblock, leading some experts outside government to speculate that a secret directive may ban such trade.
However, it appears that Mr Waldegrave might not support the proposed European directive to ban advertising if the industry decides to sign the voluntary agreement after all.
The directive, passed in 1999, banned conventional battery cages in the EU from January 1, 2012 after a 13-year phase-out.
A second directive bans discrimination at the workplace on grounds of religion and faith, disability, age and sexual orientation.
Furthermore, the directive bans direct pressure on children to purchase.
This directive will ban the production of all new barometers.
This punitive and non-sensical directive bans the use of strychnine, which has been used to control the mole population in the UK for the past 70 years.
The directive bans cloning.