This directional component of pressure in a moving (dynamic) fluid is called dynamic pressure.
Velocity has the magnitude component, (3 m/s say), as well as a directional component, 35 degrees.
Similarly, acceleration has a directional component.
Like volatility, it has no directional component, it is just a tally of unsettled contracts.
The patent says "the dedicated camera control buttons are arranged according to directional components of a compass."
There are two ways for an electron to have a spin of 1/2: with a directional component of +1/2 or -1/2.
Some routes have directional components, and the N, E, S, or W are signed in the same manner.
And also a certain directional component.
In other words, variation itself supplies no directional component.
A Rayleigh distribution is often observed when the overall magnitude of a vector is related to its directional components.