Her gaze is directed forwards and her features are idealized, like the other female figures of the sculpture group with the exception of Justice.
The painter's gaze is directed forwards, at the viewer.
The snout is short with long whiskers, and the eyes are directed forwards and surrounded by slightly darker fur, although without the conspicuous black rings seen on other pygmy possums.
Often there is one directed forwards and one trailing behind.
Forward thrust is obtained by angling the rotor disc slightly forward so that a proportion of its lift is directed forwards.
Some rotorcraft, such as helicopters, have a powered rotary wing or rotor, where the rotor disc can be angled slightly forward so that a proportion of its lift is directed forwards.
The crest of the male was directed forwards, the crest of the female backwards.
To escape a predator, the funnel is directed forwards and the squid shoots backwards at great speed.
These eyes generally gaze upwards, but can also be directed forwards.
Five torch beams were directed forwards and in the light of the beams it was possible to see that an equal number of machine-pistol barrels were pointed in the same direction.