Those agents who had fallen under the direct tutelage of Enabran Tain, the head of the Obsidian Order, were often referred to as his "sons."
Until demoralized by the defections of its senior officers, the army had achieved a level of performance it had never reached under direct Soviet tutelage.
Regardless of whether formal education was provided Chouteau, it was clear that by his early teens, he had a respect for learning and some form of education (possibly under the direct tutelage of Laclede).
Four and a half years to degree, with my final year spent under direct tutelage of the being who currently serves as idomeni ambassador.
Mukherjea's musical education continued uninterrupted throughout his performing career, but there were periods during which he was not under the direct tutelage of a master (1962-1965 and 1967-1976).
After Casimir I's death, Henry I the Bearded assumed the regency and formal guardianship of his minor sons, while his widow Viola took over direct tutelage of them.
It was under the direct tutelage of Kenneth Chung that Eddie Chong mastered the Yip Man style of Wing Chun.
He moved to the sixth form in 1838 and thus came under the direct tutelage of his father.
Backed by a massive influx of weapons from the Soviet Union, the Afghan armed forces reached a level of performance they had never reached under direct Soviet tutelage.
Lewis recognizes musical director Rickey Minor as a mentor who's referral and direct tutelage provided many opportunities for Lewis to grow as a musical director.