This was claimed as a direct retaliation for the Shankill Road bombing.
This is direct retaliation to Amazon going ahead and doing with without the blessing of the RIAA.
First, assassination clearly invites a direct retaliation against not only the President but other senior Government officials and private Americans.
Because whistleblowers often face direct retaliation from the offending agencies, PEER encourages employees to act through the organization to reveal government environmental misdeeds.
"This was direct retaliation for their embarrassment at the revelation of corruption by a senior Pakistani officer," a Clinton Administration official said.
Already some forty-five nations have raised tariff walls of their own in direct retaliation.
They knew we'd try a direct retaliation.
It also offered a way of inflicting direct and cost-effective retaliation on the communities that supported the insurgents.
The tax could provoke direct American retaliation, although such a tax is not specifically prohibited by the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Any withdrawal of the licenses of Japanese financial firms in London would not be in direct retaliation for discrimination against Cable and Wireless.