It's unfortunate that the leaders couldn't manage to respond better to Mr. Gorbachev's direct plea for economic support.
But the format almost invariably gives losers a chance to make a direct plea for acceptance to people, presumed to be normals, at home.
But by making the unusual direct plea to Ms. Brawley, he left the impression that without her, progress would be difficult.
The document ended with a direct plea for the republicans to renounce violence - question 21, as British officials put it.
On September 29, he received a letter from Burgoyne (written after Freeman's Farm) in response to his that was a direct plea for action.
Earlier this year, despite a direct plea from Mr. Carey, union members voted by a 3-to-1 margin against an increase in dues.
But the Chrysler economist made the most direct plea yet of any auto maker that the Fed go no further.
"If Joe made a direct plea to him based on good judgment, Eddie would honor it."
The words of the Hungarian anthem are unusual in expressing a direct plea to God rather than proclaiming national pride, the norm for the genre.
The little boy's father made a direct plea to Hitler to allow his son, blind, retarded, and missing an arm and leg, to die.