Bulgaria was required to cede western Thrace to Greece, thereby cutting off its direct outlet to the Aegean Sea.
Armenia's only other direct outlet is through Iran to the south, where trade has been hampered by a poor road network and lack of railway lines.
It extends the householder's feeling of control over his or her domain, and gives a direct outlet for the natural desire to improve it.
This has gone as far as penetrating Congress with candidates personally supported by the Tea Party Movement, therefore giving them a direct outlet for their ideals.
Most German and French sturgeon are cultivated in waterways with direct outlets to the sea, which tends to make for a cleaner-tasting product.
He is a managing partner in LB2, LLC, a private label Italian cosmetics company that sells numerous brands to major department stores and direct retail outlets.
Owing to its method of construction, Kai Tin Road became a direct outlet from the hill.
These were lateral lines tapping coal mines east of the Susquehanna, and the extension afforded them a direct outlet by rail rather than by canal boat.
His room had no direct outlet on the passage, but let on one side into the glass office, and on the other into the cloak room beyond.
Aransas Pass is the most direct navigable outlet into the Gulf of Mexico from the bay.