He directed its division of hematology from 1953 to 1972 and was named to the faculty of the medical school when it was organized in the 1960's.
The agency avoided ranking the clinics, said Dr. Lynne Wilcox, who directs the agency's division of reproductive health.
"We are very mindful of this," said Mr. Chertoff, a former federal prosecutor who directed the Justice Department's criminal division earlier in the current administration.
Kilpatrick's fire was so effective that Lowrey broke off from his attack against Ransom's main line and directed his entire division against the Union cavalry.
From 1972 to 1999, he directed Einstein's division of pediatric infectious diseases.
He directed Crawford's division to move south along a farm track to Old Church Road, where they erected simple breastworks.
Mr. Grueterich's son Peter now directs the men's division, which is returning to more classic styling, running counter to the women's.
Part of the blame for the failure of Wright's assault must lie with Anderson, who took little active part in directing his division in battle.
He also directed his division at the Battle of Friedland on 14 June 1807.
During her 18 years with the company, Miss Constantine first directed the women's retail division in London.