A more direct manifestation of the folk heritage comes from a genial septuagenarian with a wooden nose, Hugh (Daddy Boy) Williams.
The burning of Watts becomes a direct manifestation of Easy's long suppressed, no longer tamped-down anger.
This is actually a direct manifestation of the Second law of thermodynamics but we may term this the 'equilibrium effect'.
As an artist, he believed landscapes were the highest art form and that nature was a direct manifestation of God.
The first aim was to design a pavilion whose architecture was a direct manifestation of what it was exhibiting.
"The doctor's program is a direct manifestation of the computer systems, exactly the same way that emotions are a direct response to sensory input."
The word Thitambu suggests the direct manifestation of the deity.
Ms. Meade's view that Keaton's on-screen character was a direct manifestation of alleged brutality by his father does not withstand scrutiny.
A more direct manifestation of the growing reaction against secularism was the revival of the Sufi brotherhoods.
The former probably represents an indirect aftereffect of seizure activity whereas the latter is a direct manifestation of limbic discharge.