The song has been misinterpreted as a clear and direct homage to Biggie.
There was a direct homage to John Coltrane at one point, but it was nicely done.
This action is a direct homage to that episode.
A direct homage occurs when a character is handed the message "Just call this number and ask for the Prisoner, no names".
The song is a direct homage to the British music hall style.
The prisoners at the picture show scene is also a direct homage to a nearly identical scene in Sturges' film.
The video follows the theme and is a direct homage to the movie.
Anderson makes good films but lacks the subtlety of Tati and this film looks like a direct homage.
William's followers lelt him 21mt tO aman, to pay homage direct to the King.
Less direct homage is paid every day by competitors.