Tax expenditures and direct expenditures essentially have the same effect on the federal budget.
The studies count not just the direct expenditures for boat tickets, but also the spending on lodging, food and the like where trips are offered.
In fact, the cost is usually higher, since indirect incentives tend to be less efficient than direct expenditures.
Its direct expenditure is mainly for higher education and science.
Most construction would occur in California, generating 11,000 jobs and $1.4 billion in direct expenditures.
The state party itself is restricted by law from making direct expenditures on behalf of any candidate.
First, it counts future interest payments on the debt created by military spending as well as the direct expenditures.
The progress registered in this period came mostly from large bank profits and government projects with direct expenditure.
The fall concerns all spending areas except direct expenditure and pre-accession funds.
The early-warning system in the realm of direct expenditure is only now being established.