The Maliszewskis, who worked as quality managers, among other positions, were also accused of directing other employees to complete faulty certificates.
Two hundred yards from the outer fence, a V in the roadway directed employees and shippers to the right and all others to the left.
Others are learning how to direct employees scattered all over the place.
Where unions do not have a stronghold to direct employees terms and limits with employers may be the key to this project in relation to California based port operations success.
It should also direct employees to other relevant documents when necessary.
So Belliveau bought a used vacuum chamber and directed employees to re-built it for the purpose of manufacturing their own dichroic filters.
Rather than dismissing much of the work force, agencies are directing employees to take a few days off without pay in each pay period.
Mr. Johnson even admitted directing employees at a junior high school in his district to print hundreds of copies of the dinner brochure on the district press.
The Justice Department has directed employees to clear any contacts with Congress with its Congressional liaison office.
Formalization - The written documentation used to direct and control employees.