But if you continue the search in direct contravention of my orders you will be in major trouble.
But Hoyle's greatest "innovations" were to admit girls and to start charging fees, in direct contravention of the will.
That will be in direct contravention of Starfleet orders and policy.
All this is in direct contravention of our treaty respecting keeping your fingers off the spoons.
The concept was in direct contravention of the Roman Catholic doctrine that people are born into "original sin".
Often, they reacted disastrously or in direct contravention of their interests.
In direct contravention of most battles, the first broadsides were the most effective ones for both sides.
This is unacceptable and in direct contravention of Israel's stated desire to pursue peace with its neighbours.
It is, of course, a direct contravention of international humanitarian law to use civilians in this way.
Ashraf's appointment as chairman is in direct contravention of that principle.