Or even a direct clone, for that matter!
There are other programs out there that do the same thing, and direct clones like Iris and Yap that are nearly as good.
It is also significantly differs from the Wang 2200 in its internals, being more inspired by it, rather than a direct clone.
MED was not a direct clone of SoundTracker, and had different features and file formats.
The game has a total of 27 levels, where every fourth level is a bonus level which is a direct clone of the aforementioned Asteroids.
Besides direct clones, many other games have been released that center around rhythm and dance due to DDR's popularity.
This car was a direct clone of the MZMA Moskvitch-408, except for the badges.
Gobbler is a direct clone of the popular Pac-Man arcade game, with gameplay closely paralleling that of the original.
An almost direct clone of the original Hasselblad 1600 F sometimes jokingly referred to as a Hasselbladski.
Notable among these was Lighthouse Design's Quantrix, an almost direct clone aimed at the financial market.