Susan and Jim had repeatedly pushed Natasha to reinvest, and although Lord Sugar identified the problem lay with Natasha, she later attempted to direct blame on Susan.
This issue links with the SUPRA statement noted above, which directs blame at finances underpinning the Melbourne Model.
The owner of a mugshot removal website directed blame at Police and Sheriff departments where mugshots are posted online after an arrest, and are the source of mugshot website photos.
For their part, Firestone officials have been loath to direct blame at their largest customer.
The staff had also proposed to direct secondary blame at the controller for not detecting the possibility of a collision on his radar scope and warning the airliner crew.
Mr. Finkelstein predicted that school officials, architects and engineers would start directing blame at each other, and by this afternoon that seemed to have begun.
But both Mr. Fichera and Mr. Rubin said the dismissal was an attempt to direct blame for the fund's problems toward the very person who was trying to fix them.
Critics said it fictionalized the lead-up to the September 11, 2001 attacks in order to direct blame to the Clinton administration.
This might be because burglary victims, unlike robbery victims, rarely see or confront the criminal; there is no place to direct blame except inward.
The Dark Elf knew it wasn't time to direct blame.