The accreditation method involves a direct assessment of whether a study programme or an institution meets a number of predefined quality criteria.
The genetic data, and direct assessment of patient immunity, indicates a malfunction in the innate immune system.
A variety of learning measures are used including reading times during acquisition; free recall and direct assessments of the learner's comprehension of the revised memory record.
However, direct assessments of brain activity can inform these debates.
This factual finding, based on direct assessments of the credibility of Appellants witnesses, should be fully honored on appeal.
This means that there is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of the risk of extinction based on its distribution and/or population status.
Skeletal analysis provides no direct assessment of skin color, but it does allow an accurate estimate of original geographical origins.
The officer's wife, Andra, standing at his side, had a more direct assessment of the couple's agony of waiting.
The task force's job was not to make a direct assessment of how much money the oil industry could contribute to rebuilding Iraq.
Erasmus's Sileni Alcibiadis is one of his most direct assessments of the need for Church reform.