It was he who was guardian of the Kings, who had his appointment direct from Alexander.
Prior to the 1999-2006 project, Niger's subdivisions were administered via direct appointment from the central government in Niamey.
In order to be eligible for Officer Candidate School or direct appointment, you must already have a four-year college degree.
Three trustees are direct appointments of the Governor.
The bill would also allow for direct appointments by the legislative leaders.
They were generally moved up from the ranks, but in some cases could be direct appointments from the emperor or other higher-ranking officials.
Also 3,000 positions under direct appointment from the governor were eliminated.
"It is a direct appointment from the Speaker."
Naturally the right of the individual to partake in the direct appointment of a ruling official is an ideological inconsistency with traditional Confucian society.
Cumbie became an officer by direct appointment, in 1985.