He pioneered the direct analysis of DNA from field samples.
Additional informations could also come from the direct analysis of formulation compounds.
It can be proved by direct analysis of the doubling of a point on E.
The kind of unmistakable scientific evidence we require to reach a conclusion is only available through a direct analysis of his physical condition.
A direct analysis of Apollo program samples revealed that most lunar volcanism occurred around 3 to 4 billion years ago.
The ultimate test, he said, would have to be provided by a direct immunochemical analysis of antigens extracted from the bone.
The direct analysis brought an understanding nod from Nayre.
- Developed a highly sensitive technique for the direct analysis of mercury in air, water, fish and soils.
A flow cytometer can be used for the direct analysis of cells expressing one or more specific proteins.
Although this 'direct' analysis does require a single round of synthesis to incorporate dye labels, no amplification is involved.