Whitby even makes direct allusions to the Inquisition when describing this wave of persecution.
In The Old Age she employed a direct allusion with the work of Rodin himself.
They began to compete directly with each other through their advertising, much of which was comparative and often featured direct allusions and comparisons.
The trapping of Natsuki under the church's bell during their fight is a direct allusion to this myth.
There is little direct allusion in his epigrams to the struggle against the onslaught of Christianity.
The sky has a photo negative effect, a direct allusion to the werewolf point-of-view in 1981 horror film Wolfen.
She was answering his thoughts, without making a direct allusion to them.
Instead it's a direct allusion to Daniel 7:13-14.
The title is a direct allusion to Jack Kerouac's 1960 novella of the same name.
Several episodes have direct allusions to "Star Trek".