Ryukyuan missions to Joseon were diplomatic and trade ventures of the Ryūkyū Kingdom which were intermittently sent in the years 1392-1879.
The events have also cast a pall over other Chinese-American criminal justice and diplomatic ventures.
The road to Moscow for the catfish was, like many diplomatic ventures, the product of a lot of work and a "streak of luck," said Mr. Folse.
In sum, these serial diplomatic ventures illustrate the persistence of Joseon's kyorin (neighborly relations) diplomacy from 1392 to 1910.
The talks are the result of a bold diplomatic venture by China, which had remained on the sidelines during previous rounds of talks over North Korea's nuclear program.
Failure in a high-profile diplomatic venture could undercut his argument that his foreign policy experience makes him uniquely qualified among all the current candidates for the White House.
Peres immediately grasped the potential in this unconventional diplomatic venture.
As for Mr. Padolecchia, he said he would continue his investigations into the long lost love of his ancestor, while pursuing his many diplomatic ventures.
A series diplomatic ventures illustrate the persistence of Joseon's sadae (serving the great) diplomacy in dealings with China.
Grant and his administration began to consider alternatives to the failed diplomatic venture.