PNG's close ties to Australia - its biggest aid donor - plummeted in the mid-2000s over a series of diplomatic spats.
It diverts attention from the diplomatic spat with Pakistan after Cameron made that ill timed & ill judged comment in India.
A similar diplomatic spat erupted in 2001 when Paris passed a law recognising the killings as genocide.
The implied lack of American support for Brazil led the currency there to plunge to record lows last week and ignited a diplomatic spat between the two countries.
Britain has been more reluctant to normalise relations in the wake of that diplomatic spat.
Those off-the-cuff remarks infuriated Brazilian business executives and set off a diplomatic spat.
Shaun M. Belle, the president of the Mount Hope group, said residents have little use for diplomatic spats.
Several specific actions developed, although no serious diplomatic spats on either side have been reported yet.
Disputes over rights of some oil and gas blocks have caused brief diplomatic spats between Myanmar and India with Bangladesh.
Thailand immediately accused the refugees of being insurgents (even though women and children were in the group) and demanded that they be returned, sparking a diplomatic spat.