She claimed he led a life which gave him insights into the kind of political, religious, military, legal and international diplomatic intrigues that populate Shakespeare's works.
Now, we think and talk in terms of military tactics and diplomatic intrigue.
No, the Countess moved austerely through a labyrinth of diplomatic intrigues.
Thorpe was introduced at a young age by her parents to the Washington social scene and quickly became immersed in the world of diplomatic intrigue.
Zorn whispered: "It would be interesting to hear his stories of diplomatic intrigue."
Satterthwaite is more dubious of the tales she has passed on of her adventures in diplomatic intrigues and the like.
The Israeli public, for the most part, treated it as a distant story of diplomatic intrigue.
No longer was the affair an abstract story of diplomatic intrigue.
It would have been impossible to allow blood which was there sacrificed to be squandered through diplomatic intrigue.
At the start of the 18th century, Europe remained riven by warfare and constant diplomatic intrigue.