The Americans raised objections, a Western diplomat said, but did not try to force the issue.
Foreign diplomats, at least, are trying to do their part.
German diplomats tried last week to put the best possible face on a problem that has embarrassed and irritated them.
Since then, American diplomats have tried to restart the talks.
While American politicians and diplomats tried to minimize the political damage caused by these incidents, others took a more hostile view.
And a second Iraqi diplomat, who is thought to have disappeared about two weeks ago, may also be trying to defect, other envoys say.
So diplomats are trying to come up with a set of words that could make Hamas a more acceptable client.
Very sadly most diplomats seek retirement jobs in the human right filed and try to keep the terrorism inside the society.
Belatedly, the world's diplomats are trying to devise ways to control and limit the trade in small arms.
All through Wednesday, diplomats and officials on both sides tried to arrange a truce.