The Japanese diplomat also sent a letter to Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic "requesting his personal support for this important initiative."
A retired diplomat who now spends all his time lobbying on Cambodia, has sent a 30-page fax from Los Angeles to my constituency office in Aberdare.
Also, a british diplomat in 1864 sent a letter to Solano Lopez asking him to not start hostilities in the region.
Alexander Crichton of Brunstane and a diplomat in France, Johannes Sturm, also sent warnings of this marriage negotiation to England.
Early last month, a senior Swiss diplomat sent a confidential cable addressed to only his closest aides.
Still, some diplomats sent signals that they wanted to find common ground on Iraq and dispel the bitterness left by differences over military action against it.
It's also the site of the American School of Paris, at 41 Rue Pasteur, where many American diplomats and business families send their children.
An active diplomat, Nicholas sent Jovan on numerous missions.
French diplomats sent the Council nations what they called a "nonpaper," a document that is not intended to become a Council resolution.