Western diplomats praised the cease-fire, but cautioned that previous agreements have been quickly violated.
Israeli diplomats and American Jewish organizations praised Mr. Shultz's decision.
Western diplomats praised the quick response force as the military backbone that United Nations troops in the Balkans have sorely lacked since sending a mission to Bosnia three years ago.
Other Western diplomats and resident foreigners praise it for having an excellent staff and for cultivating specialists on various topics and regions.
The diplomats praised the process as respectful of the law and of the votes cast by the majority of the Haitian electorate.
Though Syria's diplomats may praise their Israeli counterparts, the controlled Syrian press still refers sneeringly to Israel as a "Zionist entity.
A Japanese diplomat based in Jakarta praised Mr. Gelbard's outspokenness, though.
Foreign diplomats praise the willingness of Muslim authorities and citizens in this area to allow the 11,000 Croats who were expelled during the war to return to Bosnia.
Relief Effort Praised Western diplomats in Teheran have praised Iran for what they say is a remarkable effort to put aside past differences with its adversaries.
An Israeli diplomat in Washington also praised the move, which Israel had long sought in routine and high-level meetings.