American diplomats complained to their counterparts in Beijing.
Fed up with cluttered desks and overflowing garbage cans, diplomats have long complained about the enormous amount of paper that flows through the offices here.
One diplomat complained "The Vietnamese think we are a charity."
Egyptian diplomats have complained that outside financing for groups may end up in the hands of extremists or even terrorists.
An Iraqi diplomat recently complained that an advertisement for a data service company used an "unfavorable" photograph of Saddam Hussein without his permission.
American diplomats have complained to West Germany and other nations for several months about companies involved in the Libyan plant.
"This whole conference is pre-cooked in favor of Iraq," a senior diplomat from a neutral European country complained.
A top German diplomat complained the fee would be a tough sell to taxpayers.
European diplomats have also complained about what they consider Washington's inaction in dealing with the crisis in the Middle East.
Several diplomats complained today that the Carter mission had made unnecessary concessions and had gotten too little in return.