Chekov felt the thunder of friction release them the instant Clarke dipped past the Enterprise's gravity field and into free fall.
She followed along and it dipped down away from the wall, past a sloping lawn with two fir trees and a small statue of a winged angel.
The ball drifted along the groove, dipped past one of the bright metal diamonds, slid down the flank of the wheel and chattered along the tines beside the numbers.
He reached his target and dipped past her curls with the tip of his tongue, sending electrical shocks coursing through her whole body.
As the image turned, she was treated to a view of the back, dipping past the waist and trimmed in floaty feathers.
Then, as he dipped past them and joined Nippy and Bull, the ten Fokkers turned back in the direction from which they had come.
Increasingly impatient, they followed the truck through a sweeping, dipping, S-bend, past a quarry sign, then up a hill, the truck slowing even more.
Now the camera dipped to her long, beautiful thighs, and past her knees to the bare toes poised on the wood floor.
They dipped past the mast, circled again and again.
The dragon's tail dipped low, past the waist of the black leather pants.