Soldiers that were exposed to dioxins and dioxin-like compounds during the Vietnam war have given rise to children with an increased rate of birth defects.
All groups of dioxin-like compounds are persistent in the environment.
Due to bioaccumulation and biomagnification, the species at the top of the trophic pyramid are most vulnerable to dioxin-like compounds.
Method 4435 is a bio-analytical screening procedure for dioxin-like compounds in soils/sediments.
"There is currently no clear indication of a disease burden in the general population attributable to dioxin-like compounds," the report said.
The single most important factor in forming dioxin-like compounds is the temperature of the combustion gases.
It is a persistent environmental contaminant usually present in a complex mixture of dioxin-like compounds, and is a carcinogen.
It has been used medicinally as a chelatory agent, for example to extract Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds from the body.
The report concludes with a discussion on the health effects of organochlorines and suggests ways in which individuals can limit their intake of dioxin-like compounds.
The waste oil contained dioxins and dioxin-like compounds, chemical compounds that were known carcinogens.