During his tenure, Dozier implemented the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, including insisting on liturgical changes and giving more important roles to the laity in diocesan affairs.
Harrison practiced a collegial manner of governing, and worked to include laity and especially women in diocesan affairs.
A monthly meeting of these consultors to discuss diocesan affairs is praiseworthy.
The diocese said the Rev. Ronald Haines, the Suffragan Bishop, would conduct diocesan affairs until a new bishop is chosen.
During his tenure, he initiated reorganization plans that increased and expanded participation by clergy, religious, and laity in diocesan affairs.
During his nine-year tenure, he encouraged the increased participation of the laity in diocesan affairs, and promoted the ecumenical movement by engaging with leaders of other religions.
He mainly occupied himself with diocesan affairs, although he did journey to Rome in 1218 to negotiate about the payment of tribute on the king's behalf.
He also instituted a more organized system of diocesan affairs, and placed ownership of all parish properties in his person.
"A man whose long experience rendered his counsel invaluable in diocesan affairs", he died on 15 April 1913.
The diocese claimed the revisions gave the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church too much authority in internal diocesan affairs.