Dinosaur faunas of the Judithian age may represent the peak of dinosaur evolution in North America.
This removed dinosaurs from playing a central role in debates about the origin of living species, and may have contributed to the decline of academic interest in dinosaur evolution.
Despite losing most of their effectiveness, dinosaur evolution had not yet removed the these digits to fully streamline the foot.
Indeed, one of the most frequent questions people ask me when they learn that I am a palaeontologist specialising in dinosaur evolution is: "Haven't we already discovered everything there is to know?"
Czerkas and Yuan used the suite of primitive and birdlike characters in Scansoriopteryx to argue for an unorthodox interpretation of dinosaur evolution.
His work has projected Mongolian paleontology into world prominence and helped to form a more modern understanding of the later stages of dinosaur evolution in Eurasia.
It became a hotspot for dinosaur evolution and migration.
This article gives an outline and examples of dinosaur evolution.
McDonald's is also financing a traveling exhibit with two cast models and educational kits for 65,000 schools to teach dinosaur evolution.
"A new North American therizinosaurid and the role of herbivory in 'predatory' dinosaur evolution."