For many years, researchers could not work out whether or not the fossils discovered at Port Arthur were remnants of the dinosaur era.
Man and mouse are cousins, each descended from a small mammal that split into two species toward the end of the dinosaur era.
Other plant and animal species that have survived since the dinosaur era can be found along the Cretaceous Trail.
The special, in which computer animation was used to recreate the dinosaur era, was watched by 10.7 million people.
Resembling the petro-saurs of Earth's dinosaur era, they had been created by the Barsoomians as part of their quest for genetic expansion.
World-class dinosaur excavations have yielded more information about ecosystem change at the end of the dinosaur era than almost any other place in the world.
The significance of the ridges, said Representative Mushinsky, "goes back to the dinosaur era, when they were formed.
The species is considered to be a relict of the dinosaur era, and has been called "one of the ugliest fish in North America".
The existence of insect pollination dates back to the dinosaur era.
The entire planet was warmer, especially in the polar regions, although it apparently began to cool toward the end of the dinosaur era.