A man in a diner called Winkies tells his companion about a nightmare in which he dreamt there was a horrible figure behind the diner.
Former speaker Newt Gingrich recently stopped in the city, holding a meeting at a well-known local diner called The Beacon.
(said whenever his gang took off without him), and their favorite hangout was a diner called Brontoburgers.
In the video, Kelis enters a diner called Tasty's Yard.
From the mid-seventies to the early nineties, it was a diner called Rum Runner's.
The back cover photo, depicting the band members having breakfast while reading their respective hometown newspapers, was taken at a diner called Bert's Mad House.
Lewis stood at a pay phone in front of a twenty-four-hour diner called Darling's.
She gave it to him and Bosch walked around the corner and a short distance to the twenty-four-hour diner called Darling's.
Exterior shots were used to represent the diner, called Monk's in the show, where the main characters spent an inordinate time hanging out.
"He wanted to do an all-Elvis diner called Breakfast With Elvis."