Demand diminished accordingly for the pure stand-alone songs that Mercer preferred.
Likewise also, the lifelong enduring anger is only combated in its effect with exceeding strength and difficulty, whist the effect of the three remaining species accordingly diminishes in power and can, therefore, also more easily be destroyed.
The proportion of highly placed advisers who had nothing to lose if serfs were emancipated would accordingly diminish.
By October, the unemployment rate had reached 6.3% and the chances of the Republicans winning the election diminished accordingly.
And as they accelerated beyond warp nine point nine, their ability to maintain speed would no doubt diminish accordingly--perhaps to no more than a matter of seconds.
Every year increases the number of guns in the possession of the natives, and accordingly diminishes the number of animals.
But the industrial system requires a free market in labour and, in the nineteenth century, the role of forced labour in the mechanisms of punishment diminishes accordingly and 'corrective' detention takes its place.
As the helicopter began to supplant cruiser- and battleship-based seaplanes, the need for qualifying pilots of floatplanes diminished accordingly.