The first device whose dimensions suggest employment of all these features (two-point, hollow-pit, fusion-boosted implosion) was the Swan device.
The lower part of the relief is lost, but the dimensions suggest that the god was sitting cross-legged, providing a direct parallel to the antlered figure on the Gundestrup cauldron.
Both were turning slowly, and both gave the impression of being a lot bigger than their mere dimensions suggested.
It boasts a Romanesque cathedral whose lofty dimensions suggest Alba's early importance.
Its dimensions suggest that other regularly sized buildings existed at the site.
The dimensions suggested a large dog.
The whole space manages to be at once more vast and more intimate than its actual dimensions might suggest.
The positive dimension suggests that the individual grows by virtue of community interaction.
But inside, the Lumina feels smaller than its outside dimensions suggest.
These chambers all have the feature that they are far, far larger inside than their external dimensions suggest they could be.