Instantly, out comes a "log" in the dimension and length required for a particular part of the building.
For specific shapes such as a rectangle or semi-circle, where the shape is cut out to the exact dimensions required, card could be used.
Without the necessary two dimensions required to form the cone shape, conical intersections cannot exist in these molecules.
The number of dimensions required affects the choice of .
Noah could not have foreseen the need for an ark, known the dimensions required of such a vessel, or the appropriate materials; thus God provided those.
Some engineering and metalworking reference books contain tables showing the dimension required to obtain an angle from 0-90 degrees, incremented by 1 minute intervals.
Every dimension and tolerance required to define the finished part shall be shown on the drawing.
A flux compactification is a particular way to deal with additional dimensions required by string theory.
He could make a television audience believe that it understood all the seven dimensions required for some branches of wave-mechanics theory.
Will the LHC spot evidence of extra dimensions required by string theory?