The eyes of Miss Dolores Gonzales were half open and on her lips there was the dim ghost of a provocative smile.
The neon was quiet, a dim ghost of its nighttime self.
Once upon a time Winnie had guessed some dim ghost of Jack the Ripper, reluctant to kill again.
But the dim ghost of poor Brooksmith is one of those that I see.
It had been miserly of its light from the beginning, with a dim ghost of sun peering through the dull grey clouds, and now it was getting dark and spitting snow.
It was like a specter ship whose crew appeared as dim ghosts.
When you turn the page you can see sort of a dim ghost of the contents of the prior page.
Ralph began to glimpse her aura again, a dim gray ghost in which unformed blobs of dark blue swirled.
The Sheena tried to swim, a dim dark ghost behind the gold.
I watched the sails of the other ship like pale dim ghosts there in the starlight, the Moon having set an hour or so ago.