Sonia took charge of Orwell's affairs and attended diligently in the hospital, causing concern to some old friends such as Muggeridge.
Sanson's Peak was named in 1948 for Norman Bethune Sanson who diligently attended the observatory recording equipment atop Sulphur Mountain for nearly 30 years.
Fine hangings draped portions of her anatomy, and between them her workers darted, preening her enormous body, attending diligently to her every comfort and need.
"We should not for a moment think that all children who take summer school, even if they attend diligently, will be promoted," Mr. Levy said.
For the next six months he diligently attended McCoy's lectures and worked in his laboratory.
The handful of dedicated soldiers stationed there were content to live in prefabricated barracks, where they diligently attended to their duties.
Given the infant's protracted period of total helplessness, human parents must diligently attend to their needs far longer than any other primate parents.
I can not say that I attended diligently to Mr. Chichele's socks, but the part corresponding was freely assigned me.
But it is well-lighted, attractively designed and diligently attended so that it remains clean and does not run out of paper products.
A caring management attended diligently to tenants' needs, she said.