Through years of diligent study they have mastered this country's difficult language.
Poetry was to them a mechanical art that could be learned through diligent study, not something relying on divine inspiration.
Seeing the results of White's diligent studies, his master offered to release him from his contract if he had sufficient means to go to college.
He established a reputation for hard work and diligent study.
After many years of diligent study she achieved a level of enlightenment equal to his.
"I had only long hours of diligent study in front of me."
Moreover, if you're not planning on becoming, say, a doctor, the benefits of diligent study can be overstated.
It takes decades of diligent study to reach any sort of understanding.
He became intimately familiar with the Bible through diligent study using many different methods.
Can diligent study of such poppycock lead to wedded bliss?