The dilemmas and debate lie in the fact that there is a surprising degree of disagreement over exactly what current law does mandate.
This dilemma lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing every society as the 20th century draws to a close.
And therein lies the dilemma with which he and they are still wrestling nearly a year later.
And therein lies their dilemma.
And therein lies a modern dilemma - whether to stay on board or to go ashore when in port.
And therein lies the dilemma.
That is where the dilemma lies: there is no overall frame of reference for immigration.
So the real dilemma lies not in what handset you choose, but which network you opt for.
But in the amputees' success lies a wrenching dilemma.
The dilemma lies in the deep-rooted sense of humiliation and how we can help change that into something constructive.