First construction on the project began in 2005 when the Friends group replaced the dilapidated roof.
Many can't even finance must-do budget-busters like replacing deceased boilers, dilapidated roofs and temperamental elevators.
In a second, much more expensive construction phase, the railway platforms, railway tracks and the dilapidated roof will be rehabilitated in 2011.
A raging gale tore at the dilapidated roofs of this squalid corner of the great city, and lashed the mud of the streets into miniature cascades.
Gorath thought the shack deserted until he noticed that thick black smoke curled upward from a crooked chimney on the dilapidated roof.
Northerners might concentrate on the top half of the painting with its dilapidated roof and hints of miscegenation.
Through a hole in the dilapidated roof the moonlight played full on the statue of the goddess.
As early as 1984 this covering was removed again however and the dilapidated domed roof was renovated.
Schoolhouses were soon easy to spot by their lack of doors and window frames and dilapidated thatched roofs.
The giant firs blocked the sun, sucked the moisture from the grass, and left only the moss alive on the dilapidated roof.