They suffered for decades from inadequate funding, outmoded or dilapidated facilities, and deficient textbooks (often ones previously used in white schools).
Iraqi leaders insisted the worst of the crisis had passed, but new data disclosed by Iraqi officials underscored the grave problems facing an energy infrastructure plagued by insurgent attacks and dilapidated facilities.
She 'ported herself out to the dilapidated facility to see just what was needed to make it functional.
With support from the Clinton Foundation and others, he has transformed a dilapidated facility that lacked even a doctor into a thriving rural hospital.
The presence of whites, especially affluent ones, in once all-black schools lifted those schools' quality, since white parents' complaints about outdated textbooks, sub par teachers, and dilapidated facilities were heeded by school officials.
Frustrated by poor conditions such as insufficient textbooks and dilapidated facilities during the late 1990s, students at Balboa became members of the class-action lawsuit Williams v. California.
Hulman worked diligently over the next few months to revive and clean up the dilapidated facility, and make it suitable for world-class racing once again.
This combined with inefficient operations, outdated equipment, and increasingly dilapidated facilities became too much of a burden for William Talbot.
Some thought that this may have been done to modify or improve the dilapidated facility.
'Squatters on Public Land' The result of all this is a dilapidated public facility that is sealed from the public by chain-link fence and razor-ribbon wire.