Renoir's idealizing, beautifying impulses often worked best in his paintings of children, especially the grave, dignified portraits from the late 1870's.
On one wall hangs a dignified portrait of her mustachioed great-grandfather Joao Essan da Rocha.
If you were to freeze random television frames from Bill Clinton's State of the Union address, you might get a dignified presidential portrait.
Never mind the society's dignified portraits and fine tableware.
Mr. Cuomo prefers a more dignified portrait as a Washington mandarin.
But if a subject had his sympathies, he could be tender and protective, as in his dignified 1925 portrait of his friend the writer, hunchback and dandy Max Hermann-Neisse.
The goal of Mr. Rae's effort, two years in the making, is to depict homeless people in dignified portraits apart from the dreary, all-too-familiar context of their lives.
Sevruguin served many audiences and gave each what it desired, whether uninflected ethnographic records, dignified portraits or staged scenes of "Oriental" debauchery.
A dignified portrait.
I don't want dignified portraits, even in obits.