Some university libraries offer access to a digitized version of the second edition.
And I cannot even begin to imagine having such a personal experience with a digitized version of a book.
A digitized version of the work can be found at the Internet Archive:
Long past the mascot's scheduled time of arrival, the only Izzy available was a digitized version, available for people to be photographed with.
Even a digitized version of Zambrano was not impervious from the jeers.
Manuscript 580 is available as a digitized version at the website of the Stuttgart library.
The computer programs read digitized versions of screening mammograms and identify areas of concern for review by the radiologist.
The game uses various digitized versions of classical music for each level.
The game contains digitized versions of popular songs from the TV show, in this order:
A digitized version is also available at Project Gutenberg.