Thermistors are also commonly used in modern digital thermostats and to monitor the temperature of battery packs while charging.
As he neared the end of the hallway, he noticed a digital thermostat mounted on the wall.
A digital thermostat can be programed to activate the gas furnace at certain times.
Or digital thermostats that come with 200 words of fine-print instructions?
In addition to potential increased energy consumption, digital programmable thermostats have been criticised for their poor usability.
As with clock thermostats, basic digital thermostats may have just one cycle that is run every day of the week.
Some digital thermostats have the capability of being programmed using a touch-tone telephone or over the Internet.
Under the hood changes included an advanced heating system, with a digital thermostat in every room.
You have the option of adding a digital or solar thermostat if you choose.
A digital thermostat and an automatic opening and closing toilet seat are additional features.