Microsoft is already the world's largest supplier of digital rights management software, which comes packaged with the latest version of its audio- and video-playing software, Media Player.
Press releases from 2003 stated that the console would be unveiled that year and that the digital rights management software would be provided by DiStream.
FADE (or DEGRADE) is digital rights management software developed by Codemasters.
It was not possible to import the CD into iTunes because of a glitch created by Sony's digital rights management software.
Movielink used digital rights management software from Microsoft and RealNetworks to protect their content.
But lately Hollywood has decided to take advantage of advances in copyright-protection tools developed by companies like Microsoft, Macrovision and RealNetworks known as digital rights management software.
In exchange, bankers say, Microsoft would presumably obtain an exclusive contract to provide Disney with digital rights software.
This issue is addressed by digital rights management software.
Stalker: Clear Sky uses the digital rights management (DRM) software Tagès as copy prevention.
MediaMax departs from the convention of digital rights management (DRM) software by ignoring a user's desire to decline the installation.